So the day after Halloween I had to take my second business trip in Eli's life ~ this time to Phoenix, Arizona. Jason, of course, handled Eli responsibilities admirably -- he managed to get him to sleep through the night! We worked on it more when I got back, and he can do up to seven hours at a time now. Today was a beautiful Indian Summer day. We went to Tillamook Forest for the day. Even a couple of days away remind me how much I appreciate Oregon, and being with my family.
btw, Eli had his four month checkup! He lost his earlier symmetry, in the 80th percentile in all things. Now he is 24.75 inches tall (50th percentile) 16 lbs. 1 oz. (75th percentile), the official beginning size for six month clothing, and his head is 17.5 inches (95th percentile) The kid's got a gigantic coconut on his shoulders ~ must be really smart! Good growing Eli!
#1 ~ Getting ready, wearing camo ...
#2 ~ Eli with my shadow
#3 ~ Eli being mellow with V (notice his strong posture, no trouble holding up his own head now!)
#4 ~ Tillamook forest. We were high up on a ridge, narrow dirt roads that most people don't see. This is about 45 minutes from our house!
#5 ~ Intense tummy time posture. He is getting stronger and more confident by the day.
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