Wednesday, March 23, 2011

casa bonita!

Denver icon must-see. We got to visit with the Wassinger family
Lynne, John, and baby Evan

all kinds of scary neat things to see ...

we had so much fun watching divers jump off the waterfall
1 second before the diver jumped ...
1 second after!

Eli and mom visit Colorado

At the Denver airport, Eli is already playing with Grammy
Visiting Grandma Jensen -- 4 generations, including the oldest and the youngest members of our family
Hot chocolate -- yeah, we got it! Hanging out with "apple" at his apartment

Playing the piano at Grammy's is so much fun.
We were singing "who's afraid of the big bad wolf?"

Eli is sleeping on his "special" bed at Grammy's house
Eli and mom took a special trip to Estes Park. This is the view from the Stanley Hotel
Going on a little mountain climb

Remember this one from The Shining?

Eli is a storm trooper at the Lee family's house
Aida, storm trooper, Liam
Candy apples (or, as Eli calls them, "lollipops")
This special star wars room was especially exciting
We LOVED the big yoda
3 silly kids
Loving our Grammy
When we got home, Dad was so glad to see us. He gave Eli his first fishing pole.

march adventures ...

Santa brought Eli a "butterfly kit"; we sent away in the mail, and the mailman brought us a container full of caterpillars and caterpillar food. Soon, they turned into cocoons ...

We got four butterflies. Eli named them: "Flutter", "Nectar", "Tominum (?), and "Darth Maul"
Darth Maul the butterfly, eating sugar water sprayed on carnations
Family adventure to Jackson Bottom wetlands. This is a fun place to use our galoshes and spy on birds
oh, also throw rocks ;)

ice cream afterwards ...
Easter eggs are fun anytime of the year!

Eli pretending to be a storm trooper. Note that anything, even a finger, can be turned into a gun.
Even storm troopers need to eat ...
playing around with goggles and taking oneself very seriously while watching TV
It's always fun to be "the tin man" and hit things with a hammer ...

february adventures

Eli's Grandpa and Grandma, "apple and nana" gave him a dollar for Valentine's Day. We went to the dollar store to buy something with it, Eli picked out this balloon

2 lions at the zoo

2 bears
3 goats
FYI, this is how we talk on the phone in our house
*note* boots on wrong feet
Quick trip to New England, here is Vanessa's godson Bodhi