Monday, August 13, 2007

Eli goes camping!

Eli had his first camping trip this weekend, we went into the arid meadow and forest land east of Mt. Hood. It was a car camping overnighter on a warm August night and a little hike the next day ... a perfect way to begin. Good preparation for next weekend ~ Eli's first trip to the beach! He is starting to reach for things and last week he grabbed and held onto a toy for the first time. He is making all kinds of sqeaks and smiles, squiggles and jiggles all around.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wait, hold on, how old is he now? He's already smiling and rolling over? He is such a cutie and it's great that he's sleeping so well for you. I can't believe how Asian he looks, it's like you are holding someone else's baby.